When you bring together friends and Scentsy products, it happens naturally—laughing, sharing, and reminiscing! Fragrances evoke special memories and have different meanings for everyone. That’s why our products can’t be explained—they have to be experienced. And that’s why Scentsy parties are so much fun!
Perfect Gifts
With more than 80 fragrances and dozens of ways to enjoy them, Scentsy has plenty of creative gift ideas for everyone on your list.
Flameless, smokeless, and soot-free—with Scentsy’s wickless candle bars and electric warmers, you can enjoy all the sensory delights of scented candles without the dangers of an open flame. Simply turn it on and enjoy one of 80-plus unique Scentsy fragrances.
Party Types
There’s more than one way to share the Scentsy experience. Whether you want to throw a traditional party, host an open house, or invite your friends to do some online shopping, I’ve got the perfect party style for you.
Just choose an option from the list below, pick a date, and invite a bunch of your favorite people. I’ll take care of the rest—product displays, samples, and party ideas! It’s that simple.
People have very different opinions when it comes to fragrance—that’s what makes a Scentsy traditional home party so much fun. Pass around more than 80 scent testers and listen to the reactions—whether you agree or disagree, they’re sure to make you laugh! This party style is ideal for everyone on your guest list, whether they’re already fans or new to Scentsy. You provide the location, invite friends and family, and supply simple refreshments—I’ll take care of the rest.
Scentsy Open House
If your guests can’t make it to your party, bring the party to them! While it may not offer the full social experience of a home party, the Scentsy basket party is the perfect alternative for guests-on-the-go. I will provide you with a beautiful display basket full of Scentsy product samples, order forms, and all the information you need. You’ll have 10–14 days to share it with as many people you can at as many locations you like. Then you’ll return the basket—and completed order forms—to me to be processed.
Outside Orders
As you know, Scentsy products can’t be explained—they have to be experienced! That’s never been truer than it is today. With brand-new product line extensions in addition to new warmer and fragrance designs, even those customers who already know and love Scentsy will crave a party experience to sample them! Host a Scentsy party and see them all. Then choose your favorites and use your Host Rewards for free and half-priced items!
All you need to do is bring together a group of guests and allow me to share what Scentsy’s all about—incredible fragrance products. Your Host Rewards are based on the dollar amount of product sold at your party, excluding any sales tax or shipping charges that may apply. Even if some of your invited guests can’t make it, collect their orders before your party and count them toward your Host Rewards.
Don’t forget: for every guest at your Scentsy party who chooses to book their own Scentsy party, you receive an additional half-price item for attending their party! We call it the Perpetual Party Reward, and it’s just our way of saying “thanks.”
Here’s an example of how it works:
- If guest orders at your Scentsy party total $500, you would earn $75 (15%) in FREE Scentsy products, as well as 3 items at half-price.
- If guest orders at your Scentsy Party total $300, you would earn $30 (10%) in FREE Scentsy products, as well as 2 items at half price.
- If two guests at your Scentsy Party book their own Scentsy Parties, you get 2 additional half-price items.
The easiest party you've ever thrown.
When you sign up to host a Scentsy party, you get access to the Party Assistant, an online tool that will help you put all the pieces together. It’s like having a temporary website where you can access everything you’ll need to manage your party.
From this site, you can view videos and see examples of various kinds of Scentsy parties in progress. You can also generate all sorts of emails, from "Invite" and "Party Reminder" emails to "Thank You" and "Sorry I Missed You" emails.
Guests who aren’t able to attend the "live" party will be able to place their orders through this site. And you’ll be able to track those orders as they come in and begin to calculate your Host Rewards—the free and half-price items you can earn, based on the sales from your party.
By working together and taking advantage of the convenient tools that Scentsy provides, we’ll make sure yours is the best party ever!
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