when you spend $150.00 - $249.00!

when you spend $250.00 - $399.00!

when you spend $400.00 - $999.00!

when you spend $1,000.00 or more!
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Why can’t I get the same rewards when I place my order from the website as I would if I contacted my Consultant?
Answer: Scentsy is committed to supporting our Consultants not only with sales tools, but also with ways to grow their teams and build relationships with their customers. By working through their Scentsy Consultant, our customers enjoy the highest level of personal, professional service. The Online Shopping Rewards program is our way of thanking you for staying in touch with your Consultant.
Question: Why can’t I redeem my Half-Price Items from my last order?
Answer: Power Shopper Rewards must be redeemed at the time the order is placed. These rewards do not accumulate for later redemption.
*Half-price Rewards are only applicable to individual online orders of $150 or more. If you add your order to an existing party, you may not claim Half-price Rewards.
†If the online shopper qualifies for half-price items but does not redeem them, free product will not apply to the order and the Shipping Policy will still apply. Half-price items do not accumulate for use on a later order.
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