What is a Scentsy warmer?
A Scentsy warmer has no wick, uses no flame, and produces no soot. Instead of a flame, it uses a light bulb to slowly melt soft, scented wax bars to maximize fragrance time. The warmers come in a variety of styles and sizes to fit any décor. Sizes include Full-Size, Mid-Size, and Plug-In.

Where and what are Scentsy warmers made of?
Designed by Scentsy and manufactured in facilities in China to Scentsy specifications, each warmer is made of high-quality ceramic or porcelain. China is one of the best in the world at ceramic manufacturing. The video, Rocks to Warmers, provides detailed information on the manufacturing process.

A Scentsy Bar is a small block of fragrant wax that comes in eight break-apart sections. Using a high-quality, custom paraffin wax blend selected for its superior scent loading capability; melting point and firmness, Scentsy Bars produce some of the most vibrant fragrances possible. Scentsy manufactures all wax products at its headquarters in Meridian, Idaho.

What temperature does the wax melt at?
Scentsy Bars in Scentsy warmers melt at 125 degrees Fahrenheit – the temperature of a typical paraffin cosmetic dip.
What makes Scentsy warmers different from other candles?
The type of wax used allows Scentsy Bars to hold more fragrance oils, resulting in a better fragrance “throw.” The amount of fragrance load for Scentsy wickless candles is about 15% oil compared with 5% for regular wicked candles. Additionally, Scentsy Bars are safer than wicked candles because no flame is required for the wax to melt or to release the fragrance.
What kind of fragrance oils does Scentsy use in its products?
Scentsy uses both synthetic and naturally derived fragrances oils to achieve the highest quality and longest-lasting candle bar. Scentsy chooses to use synthetic oils for several reasons including the following:
- When using natural oils results in unrestrained use of limited or endangered natural resources.
- When it isn’t possible to derive the natural oils from nature. For example, synthetic oil is necessary to reproduce muget (aka Lilly of the Valley) because fragrance can’t be extracted from this flower through typical extraction-methods.
- When it is cost prohibitive to acquire natural oils and would preclude Scentsy from offering particular fragrances without increasing the price for customers.

Twice a year—one in the spring (March) and one in the fall (September). Scentsy also comes out with a smaller Holiday catalog in the fall.
Do Scentsy Bars contain harmful phthalates?
Scentsy Bars do not contain or release harmful phthalates. However, a small percentage of Scentsy Bar fragrances contain extremely low levels of non-harmful diethyl phthalate (DEP) which is commonly used in fragrances to help blend ingredients and to make fragrances last longer. DEP is thoroughly tested and is consistently regarded as safe for use in fragrance by several government bodies including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the European Union Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP). Scentsy follows all safety standards regulating the use of DEP set by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA). DEP has a reputation for creating suspicious byproducts when burned, but because Scentsy Bars are melted, not burned, the combustion that causes such byproducts doesn’t occur.
Why doesn’t Scentsy use a soy or vegetable-based wax candle?
Although vegetable or soy-based waxes can produce a quality wicked candle, they don’t produce a quality wickless candle. To make a quality wickless candle, Scentsy uses a custom paraffin wax blend for it its superior scent loading capability to provide the best customer experience possible. Because the wax is warmed—not burned as in the case of a traditional candle’s combustion process—no harmful chemicals or pollutants are released into the air. With Scentsy, there is no flame, no smoke, no soot and no lead.
What is a Direct Sales or Party Plan company?

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